My Fair Assesment > Our Services > Assessment Appeal



MFA also helps in filing complaints and appeals to a Notice of Assessment and/or appeal a decision regarding a complaint in their property taxes. In Canada, the Taxpayer Bill of Rights allows its citizens to be treated with a high degree of accuracy, which allows you to complain under municipal government act to the assessment council.



MFA will guide you in:

  1. Analyzing your condition
  2. File an complaint
  3. Appeal to the tax court of Canada

Making An Complaint

MFA will guide you throughout your interactions with the CRA. We will take a close look at your notice of assessment, and tell you the things you need to address. We will find the mistakes and other details you want to clear up.

Filing An Complaint

It is not possible for city assesor to assess the property accurately. Because of high number of properties in calgary. if you think your assessment is not fair MFA will fight for you to get you a fair property assesment by filling a complaint in respective munciplity.

Specific duties and activities MFA will be doing for you:

  1. Participate in various procedural matters.
  2. Participate in administrative matters.
  3. Negotiate a settlement with the assessment entity.
  4. File a complaint if required.
  5. Track resolution of each complaint that is filed.
  6. Provide a detailed report about the complaint to client.


Contact to review your property assessment ?

Please feel free to contact us. We will get back to you with 1-2 business days. Or just call us now

[email protected]


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